Sunday, December 25, 2016

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas everyone! 
We hope that you have a nice relaxing day.

 Our turkey is in the oven.  The turkey neck is boiling for broth for turkey and noodles sometime in the next few days.  We get the broth … the dogs get to eat the turkey neck.

We have cheese cake and cherry bread to eat for dessert … Mmmmmmm …

We’re enjoying our Christmas lights and decorations.
The tree …

The Santa …

The penguin …

The peacock …

The fur babies all say Merry Christmas!


Come back often!  And please remember to be kind to those around you.  There is not enough kindness in this world.  And every bit of kindness ... no matter how big or small ... matters.

Merry Christmas!

Ava Jane

Friday, December 23, 2016

New Cookie Jars

I have a small cookie jar collection.
Some of these I have had for many, many years
While others I have added once in a while.
I will do a post and show them to you soon.

My husband and I had stopped buying new ones
because we had run out of room in the spot we had set aside for them.

Doug found a couple that we just couldn't leave behind.
Now we've been looking at them for a month or so
and each time commenting to each other that we sure do like them.

So ... two days ago we bought them and brought them home.
Here is the round barn up above ...
And the castle down below ...

We have two favorite stores here in town where we go and look quite often.
We buy quite often too. 
These came from one of those two stores ... Carpet Baggers Antiques & Furniture.

So ...
We will have to expand our cookie jar space ...
which means ...
We now have room for some new ones!!
If you are a collector of anything ...
you understand this glee!

If you're ever in town,
stop by
Carpet Bagger's Antiques & Furniture
1408 Market St
Hannibal, MO 63401

Tell them Ava sent you!

Enjoy this day in your life.
Even the bad ones lead to good ones.
So keep hanging in there!

Ava Jane

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Tuesday December 20, 2016

Well, it has been a good day. 
Kittens running everywhere.
Mama kitty has decided that she no longer wants to have the kittens in the play pen.  I tried covering the play pen with a blanket for during lessons so the kittens would stay in there and not be a distraction. But no ... that was not what she had in mind.  She began ... during my music lesson none the less ... to pick up the babies and move them to under the quilting table. 
They have since been running loose all evening running here and running there...  They are actually so darned adorable ... You can't help but smile and watch them. 
Even the dogs are getting into the spirit of kittens by chasing them here and there ... then the tables turn and the kittens chase them. 
Cookie is the designated baby sitter.  If they are out and about she is found right there in the middle of them.  She even washes their faces.
  Here's a picture of Dooley trying to take a nap ... but alas ... kittens are at it again!

Decided today was the day to start my new counted cross stitching project.  I bought a small kit that came with the embroidery floss already in the package.  Now I have used these kits before and was already aware that you have to separate all of the colors and wind them onto bobbins (or however you choose to store them).  I have since spent what feels like about three hours of my life trying to figure out what color is what so I could label them correctly.  So frustrating!  I finally looked up the colors that I couldn't figure out on line to see what the dang color was supposed to look like.  I finally got it done.  It was worthwhile to do but now I'm tired of it for a bit.  Lol …  I put my Aida cloth into the hoop and as soon as my break is over I will get started on it.

Supper was not frustrating.  It was delicious.  Flaky biscuits and beef stew!  Yes sirreee ... delicious!

They were canned flaky biscuits. 

Those of you who know me well already know that I am afraid of canned biscuits.  Yes … I am afraid of canned biscuits.  So enlisted the help of Doug, my husband, to open the biscuits for me. 

I cooked the stew, he opened the biscuits and I baked them.  (I’m not afraid of the biscuits … only the popping can)  LOL    Everything turned out just fine.  It was an easy supper and a delicious supper.  Lip smackin’ good!

Have a great day everyone!
Ava Jane

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

A Day In The Life of Ava Jane

What a great day!

There is snow on the ground ... it is 32 degrees which feels really good considering we've been down to 2 degrees and into the negatives.   Heatwave!!!

I have my crafting blog, the jewelry blog, my music blog, the paranormal blog, the moon blog for my moon photos ... but I had forgotten how fun it is to just simply blog about your day and what's going on and what your thoughts are.  Also to have a place to share just the generic pictures that I may have taken.

I made a lot of friends here on that I am still friends with today.  That was before Facebook came into our lives.  Then a lot of people (myself included) kind of strayed from our blogs and then forgot about them. Although some of you are still blogging strong and I still visit!

I am a musician ... private music teacher ... quilter ... I crochet ... I paint and sketch ... I cross stitch both regular and counted cross stitch ...  I love photography and enjoy taking day trips just to see what I can find to capture with the camera ... I am a paranormal investigator ... I am a writer and a poet ...  I am a songwriter and performer ...  I am an animal lover ... I am a mother ... I am a wife ... I am a grandmother ... I like to go fishing ... I like to cook and bake ... I like to flower garden ... I like to go rock hunting ... my husband makes wire wrapped jewelry ... I do artist interviews for one of my blogs ...

There is more but on this blog I will be able to just post about whatever I want. 


So please come back often and comment if you'd like.   Just please be kind.  There is not enough kindness in this world.  And every bit of kindness ... no matter how big or small ... matters.

Have a great day everyone!

Ava Jane