Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Away From Home ... May 9, 2017

I have been away from home.
I loaded up my suitcase on April 26th and brought Cookie with me.

My mother had a stroke and I traveled to their house to help out while she is recovering and doing her physical therapy.  
Cookie and I are doing well.  
Mom is doing well.  My Daddy Bruce developed a case of shingles.  
I told them both that although I know they are distressed ... it is good that the shingles happened while I was here to help with anything they needed help with.

Today has been a good day.  They have all been good days.

Doug is at home with the other fur babies ... Dooley ... Scooter ... Monster and Buttons.  
Since my last post we lost our Basset Hound Sugar. 

He passed away at the age of 11. We sure loved him and we miss him.

I got to see my Dad and my Mama Wanda last night.  
It was good to see them.  I am very glad that they came by.

Here is what I cooked for supper tonight.  It was delicious!

It was very good!

I'll be here for a little while yet.
I hope that everyone is doing just great.
I have heard from Doug that my flowers are growing.
My iris are blooming.  Our peony has buds.
I sure am looking forward to eating some of that Swiss Chard that I planted.
Yum yum yum.

Please remember to be kind to those around you. 
There is not enough kindness in this world. 
And every bit of kindness ... no matter how big or small ... matters.

Enjoy this day in your life.  

Tell those you love that you love them ... even if they already know that you do.

Until next time!

Ava Jane

1 comment:

  1. Hmmmm ... I wonder what happened to those two missing eggs? I will never tell!!!!!!
