Wednesday, September 6, 2017

The Seasons Are Changing

These cool mornings sure do make it hard to crawl out of bed!
And they make those nice warm showers feel extra good.

We have a new shower head and it uses a lot less water then the old shower head did.  How do I know this?  Because it says so on the package?  Nope.  I know this because when I take a shower I put the stopper in the tub drain so I can soak my feet while I shower.  I used to end up with water to my ankles by the end of my shower ... now it's barely over the top of my feet. I'm not complaining.  The soak still feels good and it makes me feel good to know we're saving water.

Sometimes you meet people and they make an impact on your life.  If you haven't checked out Helene, One On The Run ... you should do so.  Doug and I met Helene and Janeen when Helene was making her run through Missouri.  Her motto, "Rethink Impossible" and reading her story inspired me so much.  Look her up on Facebook ... the page is "One On The Run".  You should also look her up on and read her story. 

Those of you who have known me for a while ... and if you're my family ... you know that Ava Jane is one of my nicknames.  And no ... Jane is not my middle name.  What?  Yep!

I caught out cat, Monster, looking out the winder yesterday.  There are leaves falling ... bugs flying ... kids playing.  I'm not sure what he was looking at for sure but I'm sure it was one of those things.  He sat there for a long time watching the leaves blowing in the wind.

Doug got the motorcycle out and went for a ride.  We always enjoy that.  I didn't get to go today because I was working but I'm glad that he got to go.

Hope you all have a great day!

Thank you for stopping by the blog!

Ava Jane

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