Hey everybody!!!!
Hope this blog finds you doing well.
It has defininetly been quite the time with this virus and everyone sheltering in home for the last month and a half. Just last Monday our state, Missouri, began reopening business. We can now go out to eat again, go to church, go shopping ... some of the things that we weren't allowed to do during the shut own because of COVID19.
With my auto immune issues, we are still not getting out to public places. But we will soon. Things seem to be on the upswing.
With it getting warmer outside ... that means ... the motorcycle comes out!!!
It has to be 70 degrees for me to ride. If you ride, then you already know this, but it is always WAY colder going down the highway on the bike than the actual temperature is. That's why I wait until it's at least 70 degrees. We're getting there!!!
Enjoy this video!!
We will have new videos coming soon!
Stay safe and well!
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