Wednesday, June 26, 2024

I Made It!

 Hey everyone!

I just want to touch on the last four months.  I have really been struggling with my health and at times it felt like it was about to do me in.  But I made it.  I am thankful for my natural state of stubbornness because that is what got me through ... pure will power to not give up.

My Lupus pain levels have been under control for the last 9 years.  

In March I began a Lupus flare that is just now ending.  I have experienced the worst pain I have had to endure for 10 years.  On a pain level of 0 thru 10 (10 being the worst) ... my pain levels these last four months have been 15 to 20.  Because of chronic Lupus and Fibromyalgia, I have a very high pain tolerance, but those levels have put me in the hospital before.  It was sheer stubbornness that got me through the last four months.  I am happy to say that my pain level today has been 2 to 3!!!  I have been absolutely miserable.  I am SO happy to be feeling better.

Today I was able to hold my arms up long enough to color my hair.  I didn't change the color ... just refreshed it.  I was able to play Irish Music at the local Pub tonight.  I was only able to hold my fiddle up and play it for about an hour total.  The rest of the time I played my Irish Whistle/Penny Whistle.  I have so much fun playing it!!!  I am thankful for music and the joy and healing it brings.  Music can be lifted like a prayer.  Every time I play, I am playing with a grateful heart and with joy.  There was a point and time when music saved my life.  Now I play for others.  You never know where people are in their life in any exact moment or what they are going through because a lot of people hide it well and when they are suffering ... they suffer in silence.   

Today was a good day.  Today was a joyous day.  I am celebrating life.

I signed up for an art class.  

I signed up for a piano course to learn something new for me.

I am back to playing classical piano ... which I love.

I am accepting additional music students for piano, guitar, violin, mandolin, tenor banjo and D/Irish Whistle.

Today I did two loads of laundry.

Today I was able to hug my husband without sending my pain through the roof.

You don't realize how much energy it takes to do the daily things ... until you have no energy ... until you're in so much pain that it hurts just to be awake.

The next time someone calls me stubborn ... I am just going to smile the biggest smile.  Why?  Because I know that it is my stubbornness ... my inability to give up ... that got me through these last four months.  

If you are struggling right now ... you're not alone.  You can do this ... whatever you are struggling with ... never give up.  Cry if you have to ... drag yourself along if you have to ... but never give up.  Hang on with all you've got.  You matter. 

Love and Blessings,


Sunday, June 9, 2024

Hello there!

    Hello everyone!

    I hope this finds you all doing well and happy.  It has been a rough while here in our household with my multiple health issues.  I am happy to be able to do things again.  The weather is fantastic and I am enjoying getting out ... breathing fresh air ... feeling the sun on my skin ... flower gardening (which you all know is my favorite) ... getting the vegetable garden planted FINALLY!!!  We plan to do some camping this year and we are looking forward to that.

    We have a new family member named Buddy.  He is our joy!  We rescued him from the side of the road ... it's been a while now ... and he fits in perfectly.  He was running in and out of traffic, almost getting hit a few times and we could tell that something was wrong.  He kept running into things and we could tell that he was scared.  When we walked up to him we discovered that he was old and blind.  He was a bit bloodied up from running into things and in true Chihuahua form ... was shaking like a leaf.  It was a cold day in the 30's and we didn't know how long he had been outside so we took him home.  Wrapped him up in a warm blanket from the dryer and hugged on him until he got warmed up.  That was on a Friday night.

    On Monday we called the Animal Shelter and left his info with them as well as our phone number and address.  We already had a dog, Scooter, who was elderly and blind ... I told them we would keep Buddy here so he would be comfy since I knew how to care for him and didn't consider it any extra work.  There is always a 7 day hold before an animal is put up for adoption.  On day 8 I called and no one had called looking form either there or with animal control ... so he was ours.  He has been a joy that we didn't even know was missing until he moved in.  What a blessing he is.

There he is asleep in his bed with his blanket.

I will talk to you all soon.  I hope that you have a great day and I will be back next week to the blog if not before.
Until next time!