Thursday, February 13, 2020

More Snow and a Paper Jam!!!!

Good day everyone!!!

It's been snowing here and was really cold this morning.  It was so beautiful coming down.  I didn’t have to get out in it this morning ... but Doug did.  When he got out there, his truck doors were frozen shut and he couldn’t get them open.  The camper hatch was frozen shut as well.  He finally got in … thank goodness.  Today is supposed to be a cold night for us here … -1 degrees!
I think I will slip on my long johns!!  Burr!!!

I’m behind on practicing my violin and banjo this week.  I’m going to buckle down this weekend and work on my new tunes I’m learning.  I have gotten several of them memorized!  Yes!  I have several more to learn.  I keep a list of 10 tunes and as I learn them and then memorize them, I mark them off the list and add a new song to learn.  This method seems to work just fine for me.  It keeps me motivated and learning a new tune all the time. 

Where did our imagination go?  Do you meet with yours very often?  Do you allow it to creep into part of your day or do you have it turned off?   I remember the days of playing with toys … your room becoming a totally different place that was full of adventure ... playing dress up and being whomever you wanted to be in that moment ... going out the back door into a magical place of imagination and adventures!  The sand box that became the dry and dangerous desert full of sand dunes for our vehicles to jump over or our backhoes to dig in and load the dump truck.  The gas tank that became the fastest horse in the west!!  The tall patch of grass where you became a mountain lion slinking toward your next victim.  The swimming pool where you became a diver exploring the bottom of the ocean or a mermaid or an Olympian diver.  The paths in the woods where you saw lots of squirrels, rabbits and birds.  Just picking a spot at the base of a tree to sit and listen to the sounds of the woods.  That "hairbrush" microphone and my bedroom becoming the stage to an admiring audience who appreciated every move I made and every note I sang … and in that scene my hair was always perfect and my wardrobe outstanding!   What about just daydreaming?  Life was sure better when imagination was part of every day.  When is the last time you laid down in the grass to watch the clouds?  Did you used to name the shapes you saw there?  I sure did!!  Who says we can’t use our imagination as adults?  I say we can!!!  We should! 

Focus on the positive!  Smile!  Because one smile can make the whole world a better place!  
And please remember to be kind to those around you. 
There is not enough kindness in this world. 
And every bit of kindness ... no matter how big or small ... matters.

Enjoy this day in your life. 
I am so glad you stopped by!
Ava Jane

Additional Blogs:
Music For You and Fun For Me ...
The Curious Art Whip …
For your Plexus Supplement needs email me at
I have openings in our Triplex Group and our Slimdown Group.  What are your health goals?

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