Friday, February 21, 2020

It's a Beautiful Day!!

It’s a beautiful day!  There was a very heavy frost on the ground that clung as long as it possibly could this morning!!  The sun is shining and it is just such a pretty day out there.  I’m looking forward to hearing the birds singing as I sit outside on the patio with my coffee or hot tea this spring.  I also look forward to sitting on the porch swing and doing my early afternoon work online while sipping my sweet tea and listening to the neighborhood children as they ride their bikes and play outside.  Boy, I used to love riding my bike when I was a kid.  I remember how it felt … it felt like freedom.  That is the best way to describe it.  The breeze on my face and flowing through my hair as I pedaled as fast as I could.  I still ride a bike.  I got a new one, used at a pawn shop, last summer and I’m going to be riding it this year too!!  

I was talking about this earlier this week.  Do you ever catch yourself thinking about the past?  Life is full of the things we do and the things that happen to us … people who are good to us and people who are not … those who tear us down and those who lift us up … things we remember with fondness and things that we regret.

It can be comforting and even bring a smile to our face when we think about the past, our childhood, our grandparents, childhood friends, fun things that we got to do and such.  Always think about those things that bring you joy and make you smile.  Just don’t let yourself get wrapped up in the bad or unpleasant things of the past.

By being stuck in that cycle of thinking about things that were hurtful … remaining angry or hurt … this can allow the past to hold you hostage so that you can’t move forward even when you want to. Find something positive to think about and keep moving forward. There is nothing wrong with trying again. When you fall … get back up and go again. When you stumble … find your footing and keep going. Create a new path that leads to better you … a positive you … grateful for your blessings. Focus on your blessings … hold your head high … and smile. You’ve got this!!

At our house, one of our favorite things to do that brings us joy is to sit down and play some tunes together!  We’re working on new tunes all the time.  I’m really focusing on new tunes right now.  In fact, take a look at my fingers!!  I’ve been playing so much music that my fingers are really sore!!!  I think I blistered one too!  Well, that is just what can happen!!!  It isn’t the first time and I’m sure it won’t be the last!!! 

We love playing music together!!  Here’s our latest YouTube video and one of our favorite tunes!! 

We’ve had several snow days and had to cancel music lessons several days last week due to snow and school being out due to bad weather.  I am ready for a new week and getting to see all my students.  They are a bright spot in my day.  I always enjoy hearing their music and seeing their progress.  Everyone has been choosing songs that they would like to learn, and I have been really impressed with their choices.  I’m excited for them because I know how much fun it is to learn a song that you like an enjoy.  It is my pleasure to be an instrument in that experience for them.  They make me smile.

I’m preparing for the next 3-day challenge of some of my favorite Plexus products.  It’s such an easy way to try the products and see what I’m talking about.    If you would like to participate in a challenge with me just email me, it’s listed below, and I’ll see about getting you ready for the next one that is coming up. 

At session this week, our friend Dave got this picture of Doug and I playing our fiddles together!  We love playing with this group.  I usually take pictures of everyone but didn’t take any last time.  I’ll be sure to do that next time.

Our dryer went out … let’s see … about four months ago maybe … and we’ve been washing our clothes here at the house and then loading them up to dry them at the laundromat.  We got a dryer yesterday afternoon and hope to have it moved in and hooked up later today or tomorrow.  Yay!!!  I have missed the convenience of having a dryer!!!

I hope you all have a great day!!!  Every day is a new beginning!  Thanks for stopping by and come back often!  Please remember to be kind to those around you.  There is not enough kindness in this world.  And every bit of kindness ... no matter how big or small ... matters.
Love and Blessings my Friends!  I am so glad you stopped by!

Ava Jane

Additional Blogs:
Music For You and Fun For Me ...
The Curious Art Whip …
For your PLEXUS Supplement needs email me at …
What are your health goals?  Email me and let me know! 

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