Thursday, March 12, 2020

March 11th, 2020 Lots of Music!!!

Our new dryer is working wonderfully!!!  It is so nice to be able to do all of our laundry at home again!!!!  No more having to dry our clothes at the laundromat!  Yay!!!!! 

We’ve had a lot of beautiful days lately.  It’s so nice to be in short sleeves and no coats.  I even went barefoot the other day.  Even taught music lessons with no shoes on!  Whaa haa!!!!!  It’s nice to hear the kids outside playing!  They make me smile.

We saw lots of motorcycles out during this nice weather.  Ours wasn’t out, but it won’t be long until it is warm enough for me (70 degrees) to hop on and go. 

We had a great music session with just the two of us this evening.  We got three recordings finished.  Yay!!!!  We are having a lot of fun with our YouTube channel.  We love playing music together and there are going to be skits in the near future.  I’m currently writing one now for the two of us.  Future ones may need some friends to join in with us!!!  How fun is that??!!!!
I’ve been taking lots of moon pictures.  I am so glad to be back into my photography again.  It’s fun and I even enjoy the editing process as well. 

Image may contain: 2 people, including Robbie Williams, people smiling, eyeglasses, closeup and outdoor

Leave me a comment and let me know what your favorite snack is.  Right now, mine is sliced bell peppers with French Onion chip dip.  I know, right?  delicious!!!!! 

Learning on some new tunes.  I am always learning new tunes.  So is Doug!   We keep a list of ones we have heard that we like.  We keep a list of ten that we practice and  when they are done we add a new one.  Keeps us  hoppin’!!!

I hope you all have a great day!!!  Every day is a new beginning!  Thanks for stopping by and come back often!  Please remember to be kind to those around you.  There is not enough kindness in this world.  And every bit of kindness ... no matter how big or small ... matters.
Love and Blessings my Friends!  I am so glad you stopped by!

Ava Jane

Additional Blogs:
Music For You and Fun For Me ...
The Curious Art Whip …  
For your PLEXUS Supplement needs email me at …
What are your health goals?  Email me and let me know! 

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