Thursday, January 19, 2017

Earlier This Week

Tuesday I was feeling much better although I slept until noon.  Did me some good though.  I have had "the bug" for two days.  Feeling much better today.

My new Bodhran Drum tipper came in the mail today.  I've had this drum ever since I started playing Irish music ... about 15 years now.  I don't play it in group very often but I do play it at home.  Very fun to play.  I also still play my Djembe drum as well.  I love both of my drums.

I plan to set up the hammered dulcimer tomorrow.  Can't leave it set up with all of these kittens running around like crazy.  Little Cutie Pa-Tooties!  They are a lot of fun.

It has been too cloudy for any moon pictures since it's been raining and icy. It's raining yet again today.  We will keep checking the night sky.  Sooner or later it will be clear and we will see the moon.

Yesterday I send this hat to it's new home today!  Now I'm ready to start a messy bun or a pony tail hat.  This will be the first one I have made.  Will be glad to see how it turns out .

Kittens are good ... always playing and running here and there.  One will be leaving this week to her new home.

I think we can go ahead and buy a harness for our kitten and start working on walking on a leash.  We plan to take him to the nursing home for visits ... maybe take his mama too.  She is very sweet.  This should be a very interesting training period.  
Wish us luck.  

Thanks for stopping by today!
Come back often! 

 Love and Blessings my Friends!
Ava Jane

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