Monday, January 16, 2017

January 16, 2017 Monday

Today it thundered and rained pretty hard for a while.
Then did it again several times through out the day and again this evening.

Poor Dooley, who is afraid of rain, wind and thunder spent most of the time hiding under my desk at my feet, shaking and shaking during it and then for about an hour after it was finished.  Poor little guy.  Thanks to his new supplement he doesn't suffer as much as he used to with his anxiety.

Just in case there are any other people out there with dogs that suffer with anxiety I will share what has helped us so much.  It was recommended by a friend and we tried it.
Now Pets Pet Relaxant For Dogs and Cats

There were no lessons today since it was a holiday.
It's Martin Luther King Day.
I put one of his quotes on my Facebook page today ...
"The time is always right to do what is right." - Martin Luther King

If we would all live by these words ... the world would be an even better place.
My love and blessings to you all.

I haven't felt well the last few days.  Had a fever, headache and diarrhea ... but I am feeling better now.  
Are we supposed to say diarrhea?  Or are we supposed to say stomach problems?
I chose the other word because the stomach flu is going around and people are vomiting ... which I didn't do. I hope that everyone is feeling better now ... and if not ... that everyone is feeling better soon.

Thanks for stopping by today!
Come back often! 

 Love and Blessings my Friends!

I am so glad you stopped by!
Ava Jane

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